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Subsection: energy industry
There you can find a comprehensive collection of links to further websites focusing on renewable energy sources and wind energy.
In this subsection all documents on our website are summarized and available for download as well as added with further information, e.g. newspaper articles regarding both our projects as well as topics related to energy industry.
Transportation energy savings Using public means of transport, bicycle or walking as well as economically cars reduce the energy consumption.
Buying a new car Look already at the gasoline consumption when buying the car.
Low revolutions per minute The more revolutions per minute (rpm) the more gasoline you need. When driving in cities you should shift into the next higher gear no later than 2000 rpm.
Foresighted driving Bringing up to speed and accelerating need a lot of gasoline.
Don´t take unnecessary things in your car Every 100 kg increases the gasoline consumption about half a litre.
Avoid high speed Who drives 150 instead of 130 km/h increases the gasoline consumption of 2 litres on every 100 km, speed at 100 instead of 130 km/h saves 2 litre per 100 km.
Turn off energy hogs An air condition increases the gasoline consumption in the city traffic up to 1.8 litres per 100 km.
Tires High tire pressure reduces the gasoline consumption too. Use tires with a low road resistance.
Cooling and cooking
Cool just as much as you essentially need One degree cooler in your refrigerator increases your energy consumption for about 6%.
Cool-positioning the refrigerator Avoid heat sources (heating, cooker, dish washer, washing machine) next to you refrigerator. For each higher ambient air temperature the refrigerator needs 4% more energy.
Time to time defrosting If there is a layer of ice the consumed energy increases enormously. Maybe, you can check the sealing too.
Do not heat in advance - use residual heat Even it is displayed on the package or in the recipe, heating is most of the times unnaccessary in advance.When using electric range you can use the residual heat without using any energy.
Cook eggs with only a little bit of water Just a finger thick amount of water is enough. Eggs cook through stema. Potatos and broccoli succeed as well.
Use the upper shell Cooking without an upper shell uses three times more energy. High pressure cooking pots also help saving energy.
Clean the window of your oven 20% of heat are lost every time when opening the oven door.
Heating, isolating, airing
Insulating is useful Heat is wasted unnecessary through bad insulated windows, walls and roofs.
Close the shutter during the night Less heat is wasted through closed shutters.
Short but effectual airing Shut down the heating while airing and open the windows wide. The air will be changed, but the walls still stay warm.
Just as warm as necessary Only one degree more ambient temperature means 6% more energy consumption.
Isolating the heating pipes If you don´t have isolated heating pipes in unheated rooms you should make up leeway.
Continues heating service Bad serviced heating systems may use up to 20% more energy.
Don´t cover radiators Misaligned or covered radiators give less heat due to a bad air condition. Tie your curtains away.
Bleed your heating Air in the heating system increases the energy consumption unnecessarily, so bleed valves regularly.
Optimal warm water temperature Too high water temperature in the hot water tank may lead to calcination and increases heat emission.
Overall tips
Energy savings bulbs instead of electric bulbs You will save up to 80% electricity and have a five time longer life expectance, but they are not meant for short term usage.
Energy-Efficiency 'A' Appliances of the energy-efficiency category 'A' will save electricity and money over a long period of time.
Fill up the washing machine and the dishwasher Half filled washing machines and dishwashers are inefficient, also when using energy saving´s programs.
Turn off appliances Applainces operating in stand-by consume electricity and money unnecessarily.